Whether you’re a freight dispatcher independent dealer for a 10/4 Driver..
We have your out bound logistics covered
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Dealership OR final disposition client Looking for on target on time delivery this selection is your best option
Just close your auction sale?
Needing your freight retrieved in a timely manner…
This option will provide track back part proven abilities to locate the units within a timely manner.
I just received my outbound Lating, I need to have these vehicles loaded by midnight, to reach the designated time on target disposition.
“My day is usually quite hectic. Before I used TapThat App., I had to juggle all my various drivers loads in my mind throughout the week.
Tapthat, helped me get more organized, & now I simply get more done each day.”
“Amanda CFO Ox-Bow Dealer’s” Nm
With 50 years of combined logistic management expertise get a palled is your premier source for outbound heavy freight management…
On target on time as long as it is findable you’ll do fine.